Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast

A Step-by-Step Blueprint for Overcoming Retroactive Jealousy and Gaining Clarity and Peace of Mind About Your Partner's Past

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Do you feel overwhelmed by painful thoughts of your partner's past relationships and/or sexual history?

Do you feel "stuck"--suffering from constant, or obsessive "mental movies," curiosity, or anxiety about your partner's past?

Are you interested in learning how to overcome retroactive jealousy, move forward, and gain lasting clarity and peace of mind?

Then look no further--this is the program for you.

Presented by Zachary Stockill from, "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast" is the most popular and effective online course designed to help you regain control over your brain, block painful thoughts, curiosity, and "mental movies" when they come up, and give you all the tools you need to overcome retroactive jealousy--for good.

Designed and hosted by the author of the popular guidebook Overcoming Retroactive Jealousy: A Guide to Getting Over Your Partner's Past and Finding Peace, this 11+ hour series of step-by-step video lessons combines transformational techniques in psychology and personal development with time-tested "brain hacks" and practical exercises designed to help you put retroactive jealousy behind you as quickly, and painlessly, as possible.

If you're suffering from retroactive jealousy, know this:

You are not alone.

My course is effective because I’ve been in your shoes. I’m well aware that retroactive jealousy can be hell, and how it easy it can be to “trigger” more painful thoughts and questions….

Based on years of research, countless interviews with fellow sufferers, and my personal experience, I created “Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast” with the full knowledge of what it’s like to suffer from RJ.

So in my course, you won’t find more triggers, more empty platitudes (“You should just get over it!”), or new-age fluff…

Instead: if you take the work seriously, stay dedicated and persistent, and complete all of the exercises, you’ll get results.

Real, tangible results, like:

  • the tools to block “mental movies” whenever they come up
  • a new ability to deal with triggers, and potential trigger-situations
  • a personalized blueprint for overcoming retroactive jealousy which you can put into practice immediately
  • practical knowledge of how to deal with unwanted painful thoughts, anxiety, and unnecessary curiosity
  • and most importantly: real clarity and peace of mind about your partner’s past, maybe for the first time...ever

My course has helped hundreds of men and women from all over the world gain clarity and peace of mind, save their relationships, let go of the constant curiosity and “mental movies,” and beat retroactive jealousy for good.

Watch unwanted thoughts about your partner's past fade away as you gain increased self-confidence, enjoy a happier and healthier relationship, and move forward in a life free from retroactive jealousy.

Gain the clarity, perspective, and peace of mind you need.

Join over 2000+ men and women who have overcome retroactive jealousy with the help of "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast."


Your Instructor

Zachary Stockill
Zachary Stockill

ZACHARY STOCKILL is an award-winning Canadian researcher, writer, and podcaster.

His work has been featured by BBC News, BBC Radio 4, The Sun, The Huffington Post, The Art of Charm, and many other popular podcasts and publications.

Zachary has been acknowledged as a leading authority on personal development and relationships. In 2013, he published the guidebook Overcoming Retroactive Jealousy: A Guide to Getting Over Your Partner's Past and Finding Peace, and founded, the most visited site on the internet concerning retroactive jealousy. He is also the creator and host of "Get Over Your Partner's Past Fast," an online video course in personal development available via, and "The Breakup Recovery Blueprint."

He is the creator and host of Humans in Love: A Podcast for Curious People, available worldwide via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more.

You can visit his personal website at, and follow Zach on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @zfstockill.

Course Curriculum

  Section I: Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: Overcoming Compulsive Reassurance Seeking
Available in days
days after you enroll

What Students are Saying:

Frequently Asked Questions

“I’m not great with technology. How do I access the videos after I sign up?”
After you sign up, you’ll instantly receive an email with login details. Create your account, and you’ll be on your way in less than 30 seconds. As soon as your payment is processed, you'll be able to access the entire course 24 hours a day, seven days a week using your desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, whatever. All you need is a half-decent internet connection. That’s it.
“Are there ‘triggers’ in your course? Is it possible that learning more about retroactive jealousy will make things worse for me?”
To date, over 2000 students have been through my course. And not one—zero, zip, zilch, nada—has ever told me that the course “triggered” more mental movies or anxiety. Not one. Which makes sense. Remember—I've been there. I remember how easy it used to be for me to get triggered.  So over the years I’ve designed and refined the course to avoid all potential “triggers,” and focus on the solution—rather than the problem itself.
“It’s tough to admit that I need an online course to solve this problem…”
I get it. Back when I suffered from RJ, I was embarrassed to seek help for a long time. But I don’t think you or I should ever feel ashamed about taking action, and finding a solution to a problem. My course will some effort on your part, and it won’t miraculously cure you overnight. It’ll take a bit of time, dedication, and effort—but the payoff is so, so worth it.
“In the course, you’re not going to tell me ‘the past is the past, just get over it,’ are you?”
Ha. No.  (I remember how annoying and unhelpful that “advice” used to be back when I suffered from RJ.) “Get Over Your Partner’s Past Fast” is focused on solutions for retroactive jealousy—practical, implementable, actionable solutions. Of course, I share some research and theory about psychology, personal development, etc. but the “meat” of my course is in the practical exercises, behavioural therapy techniques, mindfulness practices, and brain “re-wiring” exercises. And hundreds of students have found this step-by-step program very, very helpful.
Any other questions about the course?
Send me an email at [email protected], and I'll get back to you faster than you can say "I banish thee to hell, retroactive jealousy." (OK, maybe not that fast, but fast.)

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